
Akustiikkataide osana sisustusta

Acoustic art as part of interior design

Does it echo in your home? You know that feeling when your home echoes and it makes the room feel somehow cluttered? In many modern homes, high ceilings and open floor plans create a sense of space and airiness. While this creates a great impression, it can also...

Satakunnan Koti ja piha – Messut 2024

Satakunta Home and Garden - Fairs

Satakunta Home and Yard Fair kicks off in just over a week! I am really excited to be an exhibitor for the first time! Come and say hello and check out my work, I look forward to seeing you there. My booth no.115 is located right on the...

Itseoppinut taiteilija

Self-taught artist

In my artistic career, I have been criticised for not being a trained artist. It is important to remember that education does not always determine one's ability or competence in a particular field, especially in the creative field. Self-taught artists can be equally talented and...

Taidetta sydämellä

Art with heart

Home is a unique place where we can be exactly who we are. It's not just a space, but an environment created by our hearts, where every detail tells our story. Investing in your own home is not a waste. It is a gentle gesture to ourselves and the people who live there...

Tervetuloa elokuu🍀

Welcome August🍀

Time is going by at a frantic pace! It's been wonderful to paint the works in the exhibition, when you can really give yourself over to your own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I'm really nervous about whether I'll be able to finish all my works, but when anxiety takes over...

Nyt tulee suuria uutisia!

Here comes the big news!

It's time to clink glasses because today is the first day I'm officially a full-time entrepreneur. ❤️ I quit my main job, a 13-year permanent contract in a jewellery shop. I have always been a visualist, loved to draw and paint. But...


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